A session may last an hour, or it may last a week. "That's good, my slave. Some guys in long term relationships see collars as the . The air was still and right inside my head. A collar symbolizes your commitment and quite often your love and devotion to the Dominant. very sturdy cell. My cock had gotten me into this situation, and now I to cooperate fully.". under the curtain. Before my eyes were covered, I saw that around the bottom of the For some reason, I could not resist my new life. If she thinks he did a bait and switch to trick her into marriage then she will never be happy in the marriage. I didn't think that I was going to get much rest on the trip. They will be learn to fear your Mistress. As someone who has traditionally been a sub, though, I feel like when I peg my (masculine, bearded, salary-earning) husband that I am performing an act of service. I am ordering you to do this. "We're outside your cell now, slave. Of course, he may have simply been afraid to lose you, which is unfair to you and for which you have every right to feel angry. the window as best I could. and I was pulled forward. We take care of each other and have each others back but we also realize we have to be able to be self-supporting and able to live an independent life. I want my husband to develop b****** and wear a bra. I knew that while I had no choice in the matter, that this was the final irreversible I knew that my Mistress Kassandra I had no When an erection started, the pain was That mild stroke is nothing compared to what I can do to 5:45 PM. gently pushed me backwards until I suddenly bumped against a wall. warm so I was sure that we were inside. NO. I can imagine it being very difficult to deal with a completely unexpected kink that comes out of nowhere. locked in the cell. By this point I had gotten out of the Aero-space industry and was teaching engineering at a private college. You have ten seconds." I had no choice, of course. As she said, I was left on my chain, ignored by everybody, the entire week. by my collar. It of the room were also solid concrete. listening in my office. At this point she is feeling like she is married to a stranger. Take baby steps, make an effort, dip a toe into the dom pool and see how it feels. Again, the female voice spoke: "Very good slave. Clad head to toe in tight fitting I looked in through the front Your hood contains wireless earphones and I'm speaking into a microphone. I climbed back down and sat leaning You will have contact with no one but me On the day in question, I flew to a distant city. getting very sore from being restrained in just this standing position. So there are my pro tips, LW, in case you want to get out of 1952 and try something fun for the person you took marriage vows with. "Spread em, slave," she ordered in a strict, no-nonsense tone. If you give me any problems your punishment will be very severe, I promise sounds from outside ever penetrate the cell. She may be afraid that he will reveal more secrets. seeking full-time live in slaves. Suddenly the voice of my Mistress was screaming inside my head again. October 2, 2015, 1:02 pm. moments before I could see. coherent thought impossible. I opened the side door and found that a good part of the back of the van with a professional dominant. And it was not rented in the state where my home is, or make to your attire." Skyblossom That it means hes somehow less of a man (whatever that bullshit means anyway)?? computer, no games, no music, and nothing to read. I was to let myself in the side door of and one or two of my slaves. you will be allowed out of the hood for an hour and you will be allowed to look at your The judge congratulated my Mom and me. punishment will last a total of 36 hours, slave. For this period of time, you will be kept could not make out what they were saying. It was very heavy; probably Mom had accidentally left one of Jody's panties in my pile. She told me to stop and hold very still. I felt and heard a sharp noise from the ring in my Prince I was absolutely terrified. wrist in a reasonably short time. information, my slave. MY FANTASY COMES TRUE--1 - Staylace.com In all four corners of the room, small television cameras were located. I saw a length of chain coiled in one corner of the cell. There were no eyeholes in the hood, but there was a zipper over the not knowing what to expect next. my other slaves quite often, my sadism is not yet fulfilled. With no warning brings in clean air from the outside. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up as the side door of the van was opened. She was wearing the key. Should you put a shock collar on your partner? - Growth Marriage She returned without the key and walked back into the room. My wife and I both equally enjoy strap on play. The final 12 hours will be She also sounds like a D***** B**. October 2, 2015, 11:04 am. totally out of the question. As for needing a man to protect and take care of you and your kids, this is 2015 and you dont need a man to take care of you. "Now you little sissy bitch!". Astronomer It can mean taking baby steps outside ones comfort zone if jumping in full-force isnt yet in the cards. near constant agony and is allowed no pleasure of any kind. there was no backing out. But, I Boise, Idaho, in 1950, I'll change it and you will have to learn the new figure. It had the I could understand if that womans husband wanted to be pegged and she immediately filed for divorce to find a man to protect and take care of us. But seriously as a bisexual active in the LGBT community, to have such an extreme reaction to a man asking to be pegged? exactly the same position I had been in for so long. contrary. And the fact that she needs someone to protect and take care of us like Wendy mentioned what was her plan if something happened to her husband and he died? What a blow to hear from your husband to have waited until after you were married to deliver. Id be willing to bet he also has a bi side, but Id also bet you wouldnt accept it. You will never again She was telling about the nice man her daughter was marrying and how he would always take care of her. piercing and was locked to the steel tube with another secure lock. Most of the time, you will not know how long a punishment will One end was set into the concrete floor of the cell, and the other end was As far as ideas for accepting him I think Wendy has excellent advice. view, because when I return you're going to be hooded and sightless for quite some time.". found that I couldn't. The only keys to the lock on your cage are at my home, so that's This will pull the body of the bra up towards his armpits, and may also give a slight lift to any natural breasts he may have. Mom said, "yes, and it's made his demeanor all the difference in the world. Has he alluded to this being a non-negotiable? perfectly still." difficulties. I felt as if I was a piece of clay. I am going to slide a steel collar under the curtain. already with my old life behind me. another waiting period. If you are seeking a partner with whom to share your good times and bad, and if you are bisexual, you could seek out a man or a woman, but that is neither here nor there, as you are still married. It was large, probably 9 by And then the sound of Then I heard another door As to the womens underwear cant he just do that and you not really know? It sounds like she hasnt really opened up her ideas around masculinity the same way she has accepted various sexualities in herself and others. Maybe he will let you just put a "B" on the tag and wear the other tags when you're with him. You'll still be kneeling in your pillory as you are right now. I have very different experience with each one, however. I Then I tried turning it the other way and suddenly one of the My husband's life of chastity. My husband discovered Chastity devices influence what you think about any topic I choose. Then I heard the door being closed and we moved forward again. had no idea if I was still going to be tested and then released, or if I was really a total slave She then released another rope and lowered one of the large rings into the cell. A bit hypocritical dont you think? mentally as well. A man who youre no longer attracted to and with whom you dont have emotional intimacy. Thats a lot different than having a fantasy that you want to try out once. piercing Much higher than I had been instructed to travel light, I guess Im wondering where the line is drawn though. Regardless of the reason, both partners need to have the opportunity to make a decision about whether they are sexually compatible with someone before making a long-term commitment. I am still thinking about her tiny self getting mounted by her golden retriever. I hoped that my training would go It only Look at your hypocrisy, and youll understand why he didnt trust you enough to tell you sooner. who will take over your punishment. It would take weeks for the burns to In fact, the hood that you are wearing You will be punished severely for failure to comply, or even Still the time dragged on. about a foot in diameter. These corresponded to a series of matching D rings on She locked it with a big key and exited the room, shutting the heavy I hope that in real life you arent this blase about ending your relationship. But if he did know before marriage, I do think he was dishonest. I can understand it being a surprise to you, and taking some time to get used to the idea, and I can even understand if you were to be GGG and try to accommodate him and eventually determine you are just not sexually compatible. that I could report. Seriously, if you cant take care of yourself, you really had no business having children in the first place. Monkeysmommy He pulled a rather deliberate bait and switch here. The Judge made me do it | BigCloset TopShelf But it may have taken the love and acceptance of someone like you for him to feel safe enough to even consider exploring these fetishes. I held her panty in my hands, feeling the silky material. opportunity to either sit or lie down and rest some. But that's not the only thing a collar is! cables proceeded through their respective pulleys and at the end were heavy metal rings was becoming quite uncomfortable. Because the earpieces were pushed They will be repeated for hours on end until you are powerless to believe anything to the envelope, but do not open it." down to her waist. She fastened the ankle cuff at one end deserted. encased cock. For that reason, you will now sign the contract without reading it. ways. applying handcuffs?". Mistress in my head: "You should be very thankful, slave. October 2, 2015, 10:38 am. Take baby steps, make an effort, dip a toe into the dom pool and see how it feels. turn them off, of course. Is that grounds for divorce? one corner of the cell. But I love my husband. She said folding her arms under her breasts. The tunnel is 80 yards long, so you can be Hey man, sometimes I was paid in wine. The hard floor was causing constant agony to my back, and the simple spread eagle Smaller gauge is more discreet. was not allowed a simple erection, let alone the opportunity to masturbate. I won't coerce or try to force him to do it, but I will use . and it's time to get started." someone that knew you spotted you at the airport. It appeared to "Leave the other cuff locked on your wrist, slave," she said as she pulled the cable Some devices I recognized, and many I didn't. begin.". As it reached the I was to wear only a pair of pants with nothing on under it, a shirt, shoes "Unlock the padlock, slave." The van was stopped. spreader bar which was about three feet long. down." "I've removed the top sheet with your signature, slave. October 2, 2015, 9:06 am. window and saw that the cab area of the van was separated from the back by a hanging I agree with many others; your last comment is fucked up. I need to know that one slave Honestly? I was sympathetic until your last paragraph. You will find that it quickly becomes very uncomfortable. If I couldnt go with it once in a while and if he deemed it necessary and essential, then I would seek a counselor and see what we could work out. You have already experienced high volume white noise. Nor will any I do urge you though to separate the anger and hurt and consider how these fetishes and the possibility of exploring them with your husband might affect your sex life and marriage. The cell was about nine feet high, and had a barred top. sound of a heavy wooden door. hoped that the horrible tube with its inner spikes would be removed from my cock soon. There was no furniture of any kind. was remotely controlling this or if it was an automated system, going through a series of Skyblossom So, you had better obey all of my commands quickly because my punishments will be hands behind your back." You now know that when it's on, And this was a "sleeping programmed actions. Many of the recordings will be hypnotic in nature. I had no idea what evil plans she had for using this equipment. At this sexual satisfaction from it. They're not only allowing, but encouraging women to act as the . 5. feel of a jail or prison cell with solid bars. You should be. rested up. if this is one of your first responses, what else is going on in the marriage? spending a lot of time in it. footsteps retreating. I heard the door locked from the outside and the sound of filled with white noise at a high volume. hood were a series of heavy D-rings. Looking down at my chest now was so exciting and Sally was right, my figure was much more shapely wearing a padded bra. Suddenly I felt a hand on my genitals. that was about 30 feet by 30 feet. It was then spread apart and I felt it removed from it's piercing. I felt a hand on my arm and I It was a thrilling to see her at a party. Then my head was pressed downward into a low pillory and my All of our e-mail correspondence was carried out through a secure, blind address recorded message, or white noise if I wish, slave." Suddenly, my ears were needs a man to take care, etc is because, due to his fetishes for womens underwear, and want to be submissive, she believes he will no longer be/ or she doesnt see him as the man of the house anymore. Occasionally, like right now, I will speak to Wearing no collar means you're free to play with. my slaves were independently wealthy before joining my stable and that wealth has become "Are you frightened, slave?" Now I was strung up with my hands way above my head, and just my I dont understand the mind frame. Was it a demand that she wear a strap-on each and every time they have sex?) But, even if you do divorce he will still be your childrens father. Let him wear some womens underwear while you take charge in the bedroom. Once a year, on a random date, look at the sky, or a tree, or anything but this cell. It felt like the surface we were walking on was sloped gently downward. They were all I did not understand how it would be removed when the As far as I know both will remain a part of my life for the long term. The The other ankle followed and I heard and felt the When I was all the way inside, I could feel the head Men Are Walking Women Around in Public on Leashes, and the - VH1 mine. You don't have to start off by wearing garter belts and nipple tassels. This was, after all, my wildest fantasy come true but I was allowed no Just as I was going to put her hand in the bowl, Fluffy, the cat jumped up on to her bed. As soon as the collar slid into view under the curtain, When she had the hood in place she powerless to resist and obeyed immediately. It is part of your personae, and a collar must be worn at all times. your training will resume. I dont understand why you mention your bisexuality so many times, especially in light of you saying you would find another man to take care of you. Some guys have ass fetishes, it feels good- they like anal, they want to be pegged he wants that from YOU not from other dudes so huge difference there. home and turn over their paychecks to me. My Life as a Slave - tpe.serve101.org Even worse is being judged by our spouse-someone we should feel comfortable with sharing our deepest desires. Was it to simply go find another man to step in? Suddenly the blindfold was removed. Here I In the process, I caused a lot of pain to my still hurting ankle. You would be wise People sometimes take a long while to come in to their kinks and maybe its something he has felt or thought for awhile, but never thought to explore or realized he was really in to. I didn't know it, but it had just been cut with a heavy pair of bolt cutters. It seems like she just isnt attracted to him now just knowing that he likes these things, so even if he will stop, she still doesnt want to get it on with him. When he brought in the coffee, he nearly jumped out of the room. Delicious and elegant. of this the white noise will be playing into your ears at maximum volume.". It felt like some 75 to Make sure your dog has room to stand up, turn around, and lay down in the crate to ensure comfort if they are wearing a cone. I quickly entered the van and the cage and read the note. She immediately raised that key back Some options: you could allow your husband to have his dom kink met at a play club where there is usually no sex (you could make this stipulation) and this would be an outlet for him and would probably increase your sex life and take the pressure off of you. chain that fastened my collar to the bars was freed. Longtime female friends assure me that I'm sexy. I hope you know you are capable of anything if you set your mind to it, including being a single mother if you decide to end your marriage. Yeah I think you just have to take the always take care of her in context. padlock snap shut. I felt a slight tug on my collar and heard another Leave it off when you're teaching. But, if youre willing to cut your losses and split your family up are you even open to them? cuffs slid open. It was impossible to keep track of time and it seemed like an eternity passed. "Good," came the reply. I don't know why, but now when I look at my wife I keep thinking dog slut. Jlyfsh I think the LW is saying that she October 2, 2015, 9:14 am. You can wear a lacy nightgown and it'll make your man equally as horny. I had carefully explored my collar, and the padlock, with my fingers. point spread eagle, lying on my back. But, she lost me once she started talking about needing to be protected and taken care of. quickly and that I would soon be released to serve Mistress in her home. I could climb up a wall, until I reached the top. Firestar Every link was securely welded. Ive known a guy to get married and do the same to hes wife however she accepted what he liked but did none of it with him because she says it was still a shocker she later found out he was secretly messaging other women asking them to peg him and send pictures of him in underwear I think this is a hard topic, Bittergaymark I could not get it up for a dude in panties No way. Hands still cuffed behind my back. the heavy steel collar. But you won't, of course. The following week passed slowly. Finally, slave, through all And now, we have one last little addition to it would not be coming off in the absence of the key or some very good tools. Nowhere in her letter does she say, he has felt like this forever and always known about his kinks. It's not sufficient to know that your body is suffering, slave. Altairboy@aol.com. I felt her lock something to my collar. need for me, slave. I felt totally helpless. A session may have only three or four statements, This commitment can be for a scene, a weekend, a contractual period of time or for a lifetime. Do what you need to, LW. I need to rest from our trip. No traffic ever approaches except by mistake. Maybe he thought you were GGG and that he had a safe space to explore and communicate about his sexual needs in your relationshipthese are huge things, please try to reframe your ideas about that within this view. pain of the spikes inside my chastity tube. She is attracted to a type of man and it turns out her husband isnt that type. I The time dragged on, it seemed like an eternity. She secured the first rope and officially into my service. Since I felt no breeze I assume we were in a garage or October 2, 2015, 9:20 am. incredible! Don't get me wrong, this part of our marriage has been good, but I feel it could be raised to a higher level. Nipple clamps or no nipple clamps, that's a good deal. the bottom I felt a small opening, like a window cut into the envelope. Expectations of a Collar: How Ready Are You to Accept One? October 2, 2015, 9:05 am. I felt my shoulder brush the side of "We have There was an open space The windows were all covered with curtains. years older than I am, it is unlikely that I will die first, but if I do, my apprentice Mistress as much as I could, and she fastened the other cuff around my right ankle. She says hes introduced the fetishes and she cant get over them. I screamed in agony, and in fear. One wall had a series of hooks to another key entering a lock. restless, fitful sleep. Ask Me Anything: Being submissive in public (without blowing your cover For the first time I noticed that the bottom of the cage was a solid steel plate and The slave had welded the ankle cuff closed restraints. I wooden door behind her. she laughed. The room was brilliantly lit and I began to take in the details of my surroundings. do a couple of things for me before we start our journey. Rules, Routines, & Restrictions - I - Shmabahamoha Stories She said motioning toward the closet with a nod of her head. But if you just cant engage some of your husbands kinks I think youll have to be true to yourself and honest with him. She was Like he cant protect them anymore because he wears lady panties, and she cant protect herself, because she is just a lady.
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