The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. In heaven you will enjoy being with the One you love forever. Tom O'Leary - The Moment Maverick & Chief Coaching Officer 2021 December : John Leary The Leadership John Leary Jesus said: My people, I would like all of My people to have as strong a faith as the Roman centurion. For these reasons I will soon bring My Warning, and My call of My faithful to My refuges. Gift the author a plan. Focus on loving Me and your neighbors, instead of focusing on buying so many things., Jesus said: My son, for now you are comfortable with your natural gas heater working well. When you need healing, you can come to Me with this same strong faith as the Centurion., Jesus said: My people, a time is coming when My people will face strong persecution for believing in Me. They prayed to Me for protection, and for a successful marriage with children to carry on the human race. This account reminds you of the many blind people I healed in My own ministry. I even told you if you believe in your prayer, then I will answer it in what is best for souls. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, May 27, 2021: Later, Sarah did have Isaac with a miracle, just as I performed a miracle in healing the leper of his leprosy. Tobiah and Sarah should be an example to all newly married couples, as all couples should pray for a successful marriage. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Stepfather 2 [DVD], Good, John O'Leary, Renata Scott, Leon Martell, Miriam B at the best online prices at eBay! I love all of my Rochester people and I thank them for this Mass that helped me. You have seen your older messages about a deadly yellow substance that will be spread after the Warning and the conversion time. So it is better for America to resist these mandates now, or you will lose all of your freedoms. You saw that I did not like those people who were selling things in the Temple. Many of you may have wished to be with Me when I was on the earth, but you do have Me in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host. If such a war starts, there is a possibility that nuclear weapons could be involved to stop Russia. They are even increasing their nuclear weapons to equal yours. When you are struggling with sickness or mental anguish, I want you to unite your suffering with My suffering on the cross. There has not been much resistance to Bidens vaccine mandate, and this is one instance. what does x subscript 0 mean in physics; mystery cookies strain leafly; arkansas baptist buffaloes men's basketball roster; stanley alpert wife; Menu. Trust in Me so you can face your trials of the coming tribulation.. You will have two meals every day, and each person will be assigned Adoration hours for the day. Jesus said: My people, in todays Gospel (Mk 5:21-43) you see a story of healing within a story. In the winter it will be hard to have enough light to recharge your on-grid batteries. You are in the end times and this is the pre-tribulation time. Keep praying for your friends and relatives to recover from their sicknesses. In the Gospel I told the Sadducees how they were misled in their understanding of what happens to the dead believers. I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save you from your sins. There are also bad web sites that can give you viruses or enable certain addictions. As you are threatened with this new virus, I will bring My Warning first and then My angels will lead you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, I have promised you that I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus will be released. Tobiah and Sarah did what all newly married couples should do. Events will soon try and force the mark of the beast on your people, but do not take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your souls to the evil one. I will tell people in their Warning that they can be healed of their vaccination by blessing themselves with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, You will see Me soon in My coming Warning, so have your soul prepared with frequent Confession. You show your love for Me in your daily prayers, and I respond by giving you My messages at Holy Communion at Mass, and at Adoration every night. The 2021 season was a Big Ten-only regular season, but Maryland and Notre Dame met in Notre Dame, IN, in the quarterfinals of the NCAA Tournament. You all are too valuable to Me to leave you alone without help. Pray that your people will come to their senses and stop this push for a communist America., Friday, June 4, 2021: My people need to be ready to come to My refuges when you could lose your dollar investments overnight. Pray for your farmers to be successful in bringing your food to the table., Jesus said: My people, when I bring My Warning before the next deadly virus, it would be good for My faithful to have their souls clean with Confession when they face Me at their mini-judgment. Trust in Me to answer your prayers, but people need to accept Me of their own free will. I remarked about the centurion when he explained how his soldiers and servants came at his command. This is how I will separate My faithful from the non-believers and the demons. I would not destroy these cities if I found ten just people. Meanwhile, many people remain hesitant or You can see how the evil leaders are trying to create divisions in your country over whether or not you are in favor of abortion, euthanasia, drugs, and now over being forced to take an unneeded Covid shot. At the end of the Antichrists reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. Your old silos in America have been mostly dismantled. Sunday, August 22, 2021 Jesus said: My people, I give you a miracle at every Mass when the bread and wine are transubstantiated into My Body and Blood. The souls of your family are precious to Me and to you, so keep them close to Me because you do not want to lose one of them to hell., Friday, November 26, 2021: I also have given you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal that you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. But if you ignore Me and refuse to repent of your sins, you will be on the broad road to hell. Prophet John Leary | Mary Refuge Of Souls New Messages on After The Warning Website. Tuesday, November 16, 2021(St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Gertrude) Jesus said: My people, you saw how Eleazar would not eat pork because of his Jewish laws of Jesus said: My son, every time you travel to give a talk about My messages, I send a legion of angels to protect you. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, especially in the tribulation time., (B.W.s Mass intention) Jesus said: My people, pray for the family and for B.W. They are threatening NATO to stand down and not interfere with their expected invasion of the Ukraine. For nothing is impossible for Me. The caucus (64 Labour MPs) votes via exhaustive ballot, and a candidate would require the support of two-thirds of the party caucus (i.e., 48 MPs) to be elected. Refuse to take the Covid vaccines which could cause people to die. My Warning will wake up every person to realize how I will judge each life with your life review and your mini-judgment when people will have a real taste of their future destination. Jesus said: My people, I know there are many evil people and cold hearts in the people of the world. John Leary, or the formally condemned messages of Maria Divine Mercy or the Army of Mary). I have given you My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal which you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. These shots will endanger your peoples health because these viruses and vaccines are meant to kill people and reduce the population. You will have daily Mass by a priest, or My angels will distribute daily Holy Communion. It was the effects of the Covid vaccine that caused my death. The demons were claiming possession of the young mans body as theirs, as they did not want to leave. When I am placed in a monstrance, more people worship Me at special prayer hours. You have seen souls saved with these prayers. All of My believers will have a cross on their forehead by My angels. More emergencies are being declared to control the spread of Covid cases, even when there are not many deaths. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Jesus said: My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in When the priest touched the relics to the young man, it hurt the demons, and they kept saying: Get it off of me. The demons were talking more than usual and uttering profanities. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. WebWeb site full of content created by a Spanish artist how fight for his dreams. You are seeing in the vision how some souls of your classmates are in purgatory, and they are grateful for the graces that they received from this Mass intention. There is a strong suspicion that many flu deaths were being claimed as Covid deaths so the health people could push the vaccines. These bad effects of the vaccines are not being made public, but people should be warned not to take these toxic shots. I will be calling My faithful to My refuges so they can look upon My luminous cross, and they will be healed of all plagues and vaccines. I have warned people to avoid taking Covid shots, booster shots, and flu shots because the shots will ruin your immune system, and they do not prevent you from getting the Covid virus sickness. Here are some important messages we copied and pasted from Johns website. Pray a novena and the St. Theresa prayers for a successful video., Jesus said: My son, you need to check all of your equipment to see that it is in working order. The unborn babies have John If you love Me, you will show your love in your daily prayers and possibly your daily Mass. They control the printing of money and they profit from the interest on this debt money. You also will be traveling again to support a young man and his mother, as the exorcist priest will be doing another exorcism session with him. Prophet John Leary - Mary Refuge Of Souls COVID-19 topics and emotional frames in vaccine hesitation: A Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown To provide for larger numbers, My angels and St. Joseph will take care of any needed accommodations. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges, when they will try to kill you., Jesus said: My people, you have seen some powerful storms like Hurricane Ida, where the damage is still being assessed. I have had My refuge builders set up refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. You have another scourge on mankind being caused by the one world people with their viruses and vaccines that are not needed. This vision was crystal clear. This is why My refuge builders need to keep practicing, so you will have everything ready and in working order to protect My people. Jesus said: My people, in the first reading from Tobit, you see both Tobit and Sarah praying to Me for help with their problems. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, August 10, 2021 (St. Lawrence) Jesus said: My people, in this world there are many injustices, and you need to Many parents are choosing to home school their children to avoid the liberal brainwashing. You, My son, witnessed another exorcism of a young man yesterday. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. You have seen the list of your deceased classmates, and you are sorry they have passed on. You will be tested, but in the end I will cast the evil ones into hell. Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist) Jesus said: My people, your readings today give glory to the birth of your children. You will have other needs for food, water, and your daily Holy Communion. There are good and bad people as well, so you will know a person by the fruit of their actions. This summer heat is coming sooner than usual, and it will lead to more fires out West. The progressive curriculums are bringing down the learning of the children, and they are forcing them to be taught only Godless communism with no word about Me. This will come some time after My Warning and the six weeks of conversion. By eating properly with occasional fasting, you can stop any Covid delta variant attacks. Today, it is mandated shots for workers not long after Labor Day. You used these fuels with a kerosene burner and a wood insert fireplace so you kept your home warm for 24 hours without using your natural gas heater. Jesus said: My people, this Scripture about My displeasure over the fig tree without any fruit, is a sign to My faithful that I expect you to bear spiritual fruit in your actions. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. I will warn My believers with a cross on their forehead, that they will need to come to My refuges so they are protected by My angels from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. Now you are doing your Zoom Conferences. No. 4 Terps Host No. 2 Irish For Top 5 Showdown The vaccine is definitely changing your DNA to do this. You need to continue praying for all of your family members that they will be saved at My Warning, because the faith is lacking. Not everyone realizes how these shots can ruin your immune system, and can even kill you, especially when a more deadly virus is released. New Messages To Prophet John Leary Through September 22, 2021. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. Be sure to pray your St. Michael prayer of the long form as you leave and return. St. John the Baptist had a great mission to prepare the way for My coming salvation. Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. Trust in Me to protect My faithful at My refuges of protection with My angels. But your judgment will be on how you lived your life, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. This is the true Visitation when I went to help Elizabeth at Ein Karem, where you have visited. Biden is treating you as if he is a dictator, and he is forcing his control over everyone. It was the 29th annual countdown of the most popular songs of the year, as voted for by listeners of Australian If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith., Jesus said: My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. It is hard to forgive someone who has cheated you out of money, or who has harmed you unjustly. It is appropriate to have gifts to celebrate My birth, but there is too much emphasis on the material things, instead of on the spiritual gifts of coming to Mass. Any one of these potential disasters would close your stores. Danny O'Leary - Business Development Manager - LinkedIn On the day of the Warning you will see two suns in the sky, and there will be some days of darkness. Take some zinc as well as your Hawthorn pills. New Show on The Coming Apocalypse with Pastor Paul Begley and Mike From Around The The Time Academy coaches and educates people and organisations to Master the Art of For those people, who believe in Me, you will see Me perform many miracles when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels., Jesus said: My people, I am reminding you of Satans goal to kill as many people as he can because he hates man. When the wind and floods came, his house remained firm because it had a good foundation. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. WebBen Passman grew up in Chicago, the son of a seamstress. You are in the pre-tribulation time, so now would be a good time to explain all of your refuge preparations for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Last year there were very few flu cases reported, even though the flu comes every year. These same people like to show off expensive jewelry to show people that they are rich. Be grateful that these two great saints have formed My Church, and it has remained firm through all of these years. I will not force Myself on anyone., Sunday, May 30, 2021: (Trinity Sunday) You are seeing a good number of vaccinated people having health problems, and some are dying from the vaccines. Your off-grid batteries would work to have your water pump work, but you will need to keep the snow off of your first floor solar panels. March 2, 2023. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. The lesson is that when you pray to Me and believe that I can heal you, you will see your prayers answered in My way. Ben Passman - Talent Acquisition Manager - LinkedIn Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. Trust in My word and My protection for all of your needs., Jesus said: My people, because Russia senses weakness in the NATO countries, there is a strong possibility that Russia will try to invade the Ukraine. This will be another test against Biden to see how much he is willing to defend the Ukraine from an attack by Russia. When events will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Messages show how No 10 struggled to explain Covid parties within Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful from those people who want to force this deadly vaccine on everyone., Jesus said: My people, you will see more water shortages in various parts of your country, especially in the West during the summer. Web For any other questions please email me or contact me using any of these messaging platforms (LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram. Your people need to come to frequent Confession to keep a pure soul. Skilled in Rail Construction, Rail Maintaince, Earthworks, Quantity that his wife will be able to carry on with her life amidst this death of her husband. I am the Lamb of God and I offered up My life on the cross to bring you salvation for your souls. Call on My help when you are in need, or when you are being threatened., Monday, September 6, 2021: (Labor Day) Jesus said: My people, todays Gospel speaks about loving your enemies and sharing what you have with them. Trust in Me to bring My Warning before vaccinated people will die from the next deadly virus. When you hear about blindness, there are also spiritually blind people as well. These are the same evil ones who are trying to reduce the population with their man-made viruses and toxic Covid shots that they are using to kill people. You are still having Covid virus cases, and many churches are not giving Holy Communion on the tongue again. Believe in Me and you will be saved., Jesus said: My son, you had a lot of good activities today with your meeting with the priests for dinner and later for your Confession. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger., Jesus said: My people, initially you saw how the government was trying to force your employers to have their employees take a Covid shot, or they could be fired. I give you these beautiful babies, and because of your selfishness and inconvenience you are killing My little ones. Pray the long form of St. Michaels prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. And I will give him the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever thou shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shall loose on earth, will be loosed in heaven. St. Paul was converted from Saul, and he became a great evangelist of the Gentiles. The previous lock down did not slow down the spread of the virus, and now being vaccinated does not appear to stop the delta variant either. Your jobs are being threatened by a vaccine mandate that will kill you, and you should not take it. John Leary By trusting in Me and your obedience to My laws, you will be rewarded in heaven with Me for all eternity., (Memorial Mass for Uncle Bill) Uncle Bill said: I am happy to be with my deceased family members, but I am sad that I had to leave Melinda, my daughters, and the rest of the family behind. The Stepfather 2 [DVD], Good, John O'Leary, Renata Scott, Leon Time is one of My precious gifts to all of you, but it is how you can use time wisely for your most benefit that will give you the most reward for your actions. Europe should not be buying fuels from Russia because they could be held hostage for heating their homes. You remember the Blue Army well because you started your own prayer group as a Fatima cell, and you just celebrated your 49th anniversary for your prayer group. You could see a possible increase in your unemployed workers because they will refuse to take the Covid shots and they know how life threatening that the poisonous shots are. If your people do not resist, then I will bring My Warning, and your free country will cease to exist. Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Sunday, September 5, 2021: When you come to your judgment, I will ask you if you loved Me and all of your neighbors, even your persecutors. These Russian hackers are trying to upset your economy because many of your businesses are vulnerable to hacking and companies are not spending the money needed to protect their computer systems. The angel led Tobiah to use the fish oil on Tobits eyes and the salve which allowed Tobiah to strip the cataracts off of Tobits eyes. The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. Thus I will not destroy the innocent among the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, you knew the viruses and vaccines were made with evil intent to reduce the population by the one world people. It does not take much money to stock up on three months worth of food. When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on the fruit of your actions, whether you loved Me and your neighbor, or not., Jesus said: My people, you may be familiar with the Secrets of Oz movie that described the difference between debt money and government script without debt. When the evil ones plan to kill people with the viruses and vaccines, I have told you not to take the poisonous Covid shots. Everyone will have a free will choice to be with Me, or they can choose the world and the devil. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old, yet Abraham was told he would have a son, Isaac by Sarah. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, December 28, 2021 (Mark Hubbel Funeral Mass)Jesus said: "My people, you have many Call on My angels to help protect these two countries with your prayers., Jesus said: My people, when your Covid and flu cases increase, this could trigger more Covid restrictions. I am the instrument to bring Jesus into this world, and because of my place as the Mother of God, the Lord has called me blessed. By staying close to My Sacred Heart and pouring out My Precious Blood on people, I can heal people of their sickness and their sins., Wednesday, September 8, 2021: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother) It is good to get My message out to the people who may be influenced to be converted. So act on My words in your prayers and good deeds for your neighbor. By loving everyone, you will gain your salvation., Prayer Group: I am repeating a previous message that you will live to see this time, just as I allowed Simeon to see Me at the Temple before he died. Gary Clark - Director of Customers and Communities - LinkedIn This new virus will kill many vaccinated people, if they are not converted in the Warning. When are your people going to rise up in a major protest, or strike against your employers? This burning of bodies was unbearable as I stopped the vision. Keep praying for Ron and his family., Saturday, May 29, 2021: They left their boats immediately after I called them. You live to see Me every day at Mass and at night in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace // Volume 4: Jesus said: My people, America needs to wake up out of your media brainwashing, and see how you are a bunch of frogs being slowly boiled to death in water. You are seeing some conflicts in how the number of flu cases are being reported. The next deadly virus is coming shortly. Every soul is lovable, even the worst sinner, because they are made in My image. 03 March, 2023 14:17. You know that you have had many confirmations of the truth of your mission, and things I have given you have come about. 8:8) This is said before Holy Communion time in the Mass, and it is appropriate for you to be humble to receive Me into your soul. So do not believe the lies of the evil ones, but only follow My directions to avoid taking the Covid vaccine and avoid taking the flu shots., Thursday, June 3, 2021: (St. Charles Lwanga) (Luke 1:46-55) Canticle of Mary: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. Farmers could see problems in getting enough rain or water sources to grow their crops. The non-believers will suffer from the coming plagues and the abuse of the Antichrist. Even if I called My faithful to My refuges, I could multiply your food to cover the less than 3 years of survival during the tribulation. If you are dead, what good is your job? This could result if you see a bankruptcy of your government. You love to share what you have with those people in need, but you are hesitant to help those people who do evil things. Do not let worries, anxieties, or fears affect you because they are from the evil one. Keeping warm during the winter will be just one of your needs, but your heating would keep you alive from freezing to death. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you need some food storage that I could multiply as well. This vision is even more dramatic as you again are seeing dead bodies, but now you are seeing many bodies being thrown into a huge crematorium, and they were burned up. This is why I have been alerting My refuge builders to be ready to receive the people that I will send to them., Jesus said: My people, you have heard from your friend how evil the mandates are in Puerto Rico that the unvaccinated people cannot buy groceries or gasoline. Jesus said: My people, when I or God the Father tells you something is about to happen, you need to take heed, even if it seems impossible to the normal course of events. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. It is this same strength of faith that I want all of My faithful to have all of the time, so you are confident that I can lead you through life to heaven. WebFebruary 27, 2023 new bill passed in nj for inmates 2022 No Comments . Be prepared for China to take on Taiwan and for Russia to take over the Ukraine. I have been showing you possible grid failures, water shortages, and even bank failures. The internet can have evil things that affect people, so pray to use this service properly, but be aware of its evil use.. Many Christians and martyrs had to suffer for keeping their belief in Me. Jesus said: My son, you have seen visions before of dead bodies on the ground when the vaccinated people would come in contact with the next deadly virus. You are on the brink of more serious attacks against My faithful, because Satan hates any proclamation of My words that lead to holiness for people. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. There is no marriage in heaven because the souls are like angels who constantly adore Me. The one world people have a goal to reduce the population of the world from seven billion down to five hundred million people. I am giving you My Good Friday oil and the exorcism water to drink for the vaccinated people so they will not die from the vaccine. I love all of you, and I know your requests before you even mention them. I will lead you to solve your problems, if you would just Follow Me., Jesus said: My people, in the past Democratic Administrations very little money was increased on your Defense spending.
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