Israel becomes a kingdom under Saul and David, Jonathan demolishes the Philistine pillar at Geba, Saul is killed by the Philistines at Mt Gilboa, The Ark of the Covenant is brought to Jerusalem, David's victories over Israel's neighbours, Absalom's flight & his rebellion against David, 31. Map of the Journeys of Isaac, the Son of Abraham. An ancient tower now marks the spot where it is believed Jacob had his vision of the ladder leading up to heaven and where, earlier, Abraham built an altar on his journey south from Shechem to the Negev Desert (see Genesis 12:8-9). He was not young--in his seventies at this time--but had lived most of his life in the Negev, the southern part of Canaan. The site ofBethelis now occupied by the Palestinian West Bank village ofBeitin, on the outskirts ofAl-Bireh, 3 miles / 5 km to the northeast of Ramallah. Near it was the oak or terebinth, a place of pagan worship. Genesis 46:5 Jacob rose up from Beersheba, and the sons of Israel carried Jacob, their father, their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him. The houses are stone, solidly built, flat-roofed, and have each one or two little cupolas, such as are seen in several parts of Israel. Isaac was dwelling here when Jacob set out for Haran (Gn. The stones around the mouth are worn into grooves by the action of ropes for so many ages. A Grammar of Akkadian (Second Edition, 2008), p. 36, p. 497, Last edited on 10 November 2022, at 05:50, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, This page was last edited on 10 November 2022, at 05:50. 24:2), became the usual way of designating the whole Promised Land, and passed into a proverb. Beersheba. (3.) Rivaling Damascus in antiquity. Modern Beersheba:Today Beersheba is Bir es-Seba` in the Wady es Seba`, 28 miles Southwest of Hebron on "the southern border of a vast rolling plain broken by the torrent beds of Wady Khalil and Wady Seba" (Robinson). 7. The plain is treeless but is covered by verdure in the spring; it is dry and monotonous most of the year. He set up a stone pillar as an altar and re-named the placeBethel(Beth-el means House of God). Roman Empire Map - Before that night at Bethel, Jacob's heart was filled with fear; afterward he walked with a new spring in his steps. Make a copy of BLM 3A Jacob's It is found about forty times in the Old. If you live for 2.4 billion seconds how old will you be? So thenceforth David sacrificed there, and no longer on the altar at Gibeon where the tabernacle was, separate from the ark, which was at Zion; for he could not go to Gibeon on account of the sword of the Angel, i.e. The two principal wells are on or close to the northern bank of the Wady es-Seba. The period between Abrahams call to enter Canaan (AM 2021) and Jacobs entry into Biblical Egypt is 215 years, calculated from the ages of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the period in Egypt is stated in the Book of Exodus (12:40) as 430 years, although the Septuagint and the Samaritan Pentateuch texts both give only 430. Paul's Letters to Galatia & Thessalonica, The risen Lord Jesus appears to his followers, Christ's Victory Parade & the New Covenant, 15. Its Position: Geographically Beersheba marked the southern limit of Judah, though theoretically this extended to the "river of Egypt" (Gen 15:18)--the modern Wady el`Avish--60 miles farther south. Gen 28:20-22 Jacob promises to follow God and to give him a tithe a tenth of all his wealth. The World of the Old Testament Journeys, 23.The Journeys of Adam, Enoch, Noah & Abraham, Cain is sent on a journey to the east of Eden, 24. 0000031084 00000 n %%EOF According to the first, the well was dug by Abraham, and the name given to Judah, Jos 15:28 and then to Simeon, Jos 19:2; 1Ch 4:28 In the often-quoted "from Dan even unto Beersheba," Jud 20:1 it represents the southern boundary of Canaan, as Dan the northern. It was the favorite home of Abraham. Gen 31:45-54 Laban and Jacob make a covenant. In one part of the modern city is a great mosque, which is built over the grave of Machpelah. (See OAK ?T0002758.) God also promised that allthe families of theearth will be blessed through Jacobs offspring (Genesis 28:14). Hebron is said to have been rounded before Zoan (i.e. Jacob is scared because, when he was younger, he cheated Esau out of his birthright (see Genesis 27:1-40). It is picturesquely situated in a narrow valley running from N. to S. (probably that of Eshcol, whence the spies got the great cluster of grapes, Numbers 13:23), surrounded by rocky hills, still famed for fine grapes. (HC,wN3@2 |f{onRHX{ra( A tradition which first appears in a definite shape in Josephus, and is now almost universally accepted, asserts that the "Mount Moriah" of the Chronicles is identical with the "mountain" in "the land of Moriah" of Genesis, and that the spot on which Jehovah appeared to David, and on which the temple was built, was the very spot of the sacrifice of Isaac.Mount Moriah Scripture - 2 Chronicles 3:1 Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where [the LORD] appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. What kinds of discomfort, loneliness or loss did Jacob face in his travel to Paddan Aram? Jacob arrives back at his father Isaacs home at Hebron. 2 Chronicles 3:1 - Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where [the LORD] appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.Genesis 22:2 - And he said, Take now thy son, thine only [son] Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. This was Isaac's home after he married Rebekah. It meant leaving the Promised Land and venturing into territory Jacob had never entered. In Genesis 28:10-19, Abraham's grandson Jacob left Beersheba and went toward Haran. But "Hebron would appear to have been the original name of the city, and it was not till after Abraham's stay there that it received the name Kirjath-arba, who [i.e., Arba] was not the founder but the conqueror of the city, having led thither the tribe of the Anakim, to which he belonged. Beersheba to Haran. 10. 6. Picture Study Bible - StudyBible with Pictures and Maps. Jos 15:13,14; 21:13 Sarah died at Hebron; and Abraham then bought from Ephron the Hittite the field and cave of Machpelah, to serve as a family tomb Ge 23:2-20 The cave is still there, and the massive walls of the Haram or mosque, within which it lies, form the most remarkable object in the whole city. PDF Beersheba to Bethel - Genesis 28:10 Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran. Distance between Beersheba and Haran is 5340 KM / 3318.3 miles. Jacob remembers that, when he left Canaan twenty years earlier, his brother Esau had threatened to kill him. 0000011775 00000 n Harran (biblical place) - Wikipedia It was here at Beer Laihairoi that his sons, Jacob and Esau, were born (Gen. 24:62-67; 25:24-29). beersheba to haran map. Jacob had been on the road only a few days. GVr[]"H\ZR^va)^6hG W,Rdax%Y.Xz#>C_B#Z)M-bVVXFcpmJey,7W)yG 2:42, 43. how far did jacob travel to haran. And they dwelt from Beersheba unto the valley of Hinnom.2 Chronicles 30:5 - So they established a decree to make proclamation throughout all Israel, from Beersheba even to Dan, that they should come to keep the passover unto the LORD God of Israel at Jerusalem: for they had not done [it] of a long [time in such sort] as it was written.Genesis 46:5 - And Jacob rose up from Beersheba: and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him.2 Chronicles 24:1 - Joash [was] seven years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem. Genesis 46:5 Jacob rose up from Beersheba, and the sons of Israel carried Jacob, their father, their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him. Founded by settlers migrating west fromMesopotamiain the 18thcentury BC, the city was at its peak during the Hittite Empire, based onCentral Anatoliain the 12thcentury BC. 2. 5:5); and here he was anointed as king over all Israel (2 Sam. Jesus's Journeys beyond Galilee Jesus heals & teaches in Jerusalem Jesus teaches how to receive the Holy Spirit Jesus journeys among the Gentiles Jesus walks on the Sea of Galilee Jesus in Tyre and Sidon Who is Jesus? He puts his wives and children on camels and crosses the river (the River Euphrates) then heads for the hill country of Gilead (see7 on Map 41). He works seven years for his uncle Laban in return for Rachel, but is tricked into marrying Leah (the elder daughter who, by tradition, was expected to be married first). (Gen. 22:2, 3). In Gen 21:31 Abraham and Abimelech took an oath of witness that the former had dug the well and seven ewe lambs were offered in sacrifice, "Wherefore he called that place Beer-sheba; because there they sware both of them." Jacob now becomes the leading figure in the sacred history. The proverb "in the Mount of Jehovah it (or He) shall be seen" probably originated in Jerusalem under Melchizedek. Israels ancestors came from a region known as Aram Naharaim which could explain the designation Aramean.. Jesus is changed on the slopes of Mount Hermon Jesus pays the Temple Tax Jesus claims God's personal name Unlike Esau, Jacob was not a man of the field; he was "content to stay at home among the tents" (Genesis 25:27). The well of, belonged to Abraham and Isaac Ge 21:25,26 -3. H]O0+e{QB1 ] Ge 13:18 Its original name was Kirjath-arba, Jud 1:10 "the city of Arba;" so called from Arba the father of Anak. It is found by Isaac's servants just after the covenant made between him and Abimelech. Where Do Isaac and Rebecca Live When Jacob Leaves Home? The Incredible Bible - First in the BKA Series. Around the large are nine stone troughs; around the smaller, five. Isaac lived longer than either Abraham or his son Jacob, and his he spent his life within a small area in the south of the land of Canaan. She journeyed with him to Bethel and died at the age of 155, five years before Isaacs death. Joshua 19:2 They had for their inheritance Beersheba (or Sheba), Moladah. Jehovah's vision to David in the same spot, before the preparation for building the temple there, revived the name Moriah (2 Samuel 24:16; 2 Samuel 24:24-25.) Bible Map: Beersheba - Bible He made his home in Beersheba where he was born until the last days of his life which were in Hebron. distance from beersheba to goshen egypt - 19:4). 24:24, 25; 2 Chr. Gen 31:55 Laban returns home to Haran while Jacob, with his wives and sons, sets off for Canaan in c.1695BC. distance from beersheba to goshen egypt - uhTlo2 Ttn-kt"! Jacob had been gone from Canaan, the land of his birth, for twenty years. Now El Khalil, the house of "the friend" of God. And David made Abner and the men that [were] with him a feast.Joshua 11:21 - And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of Judah, and from all the mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their cities.Joshua 10:23 - And they did so, and brought forth those five kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, [and] the king of Eglon.2 Samuel 2:1 - And it came to pass after this, that David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? mchlat Machalath, "sickness, or a harp." 19. 3. An ancient tower now marks the spot where it is believed Jacob had his vision of the ladder leading up to heaven and where, earlier, Abraham built an altar on his journey south fromShechemto theNegev Desert(see Genesis 12:8-9). 2. Beitinwas a prosperous town during Roman times, and still contains the remains of a Byzantine monastery built to commemorate Jacobs dream. haran to canaan distance It became the residence also of the rebellious Absalom (2 Sam. How far did Joseph travel from Canaan to Egypt? The most southern city of Israel Jud 20:1 Named by Abraham, who lived there Ge 21:31-33; 22:19 The place where Isaac lived Ge 26:23 Jacob went out from, toward Haran Ge 28:10 Sacrifices offered at, by Jacob; when journeying to Egypt Ge 46:1 In the inheritance of Judah Jos 15:20,28; 2Sa 24:7 Afterward assigned to Simeon Jos 19:2,9; 1Ch 4:28 Two sons of Samuel were judges at 1Sa 8:2 Became a seat of idolatrous worship Am 5:5; 8:14 -2. What kind of triangle has no equal sides or angles. Haggai & Zechariah encourage re-building, Haggai urges the exiles to re-build the Temple, Prophesies about the coming of the Messiah, 47. Jacob was not someone who . or from Beersheba to. They all pour their streams into the wady es Seba, and are called Bir es seba, the largest 12 ft. diameter, and masonry round reaching 28 ft. down, and 44 from bottom to surface of the water. his encampment (cf. In this city Absalom found a center for his disaffection, and repairing there under pretense of performing a vow to Yahweh, he raised the standard of revolt (2 Sam 15:7 f). How to get right with God: Sacrifice or Faith? And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And said, Jacob! While asleep, he dreamed of a ladder - or stairway - leading up to heaven, with angels going up and down. Jacob set out in haste from Beersheba and camped at Bethel (formerly Luz) before continuing on to Paddan-aram (Genesis 28:10-29:1). or from Beersheba to Dan (1 Chronicles 21:2 2 Chronicles 30:5) were the proverbial expressions, though necessarily altered through the changed conditions in later years to "from Geba to Beer-sheba" (2 Kings 23:8) or "from Beer-sheba to the hill-country of Ephraim" (2 Chronicles 19:4).4. 0000007394 00000 n The distance was about four hundred and fifty miles, and therefore it would take Jacob fifteen days to perform the journey at thirty miles a day. Tanis) in Egypt (Nu 13:22); its ancient name was Kiriath-arba, probably meaning the "Four Cities," perhaps because divided at one time into four quarters, but according to Jewish writers so called because four patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Adam were buried there. (Borders and country names are modern.) The well dug by Abraham and secured to him by oath had been covered and lost. bottom of the map to calculate the distance Jacob traveled from Beersheba to Bethel (about 90 miles) and then to Haran (about 650 miles total). 0000004393 00000 n The third resting place of Abram; Shechem was the first, Bethel the second. Having fled for his life from Beersheba, Jacob settled down for the night at Luz. The total straight line distance between Beersheba and Bethel is 9675 KM (kilometers) and 127.36 meters. The Letter to the Jewish believers in Antioch, The General Letters: James, Jude, Peter & John, The Letter of James to the Jewish believers, The Letter of Jude to the Jewish believers, The 1st Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, The 2nd Letter of Peter to the Jewish believers, 19. After the return from the Captivity the phrase is narrowed into "from Beersheba unto the valley of Hinnom" (Neh. The series of events recalls to Isaac's mind the original name and that which gave rise to the name; so he restores both the well itself and the name. Jacob served in Laban's house for 20 years before fleeing back to Canaan (Genesis 31:1-21). What is the distance between Haran and Canaan? The biblical term easterner (qedem) refers to people in Jordanian and Arabian deserts, [8] not the lands of the Arameans, which is far to the north of Israel. God sends Jacob to Bethel (the site of Jacob's dream - see Genesis 28:17). Sitnah (hatred). The Israelites journey from Egypt to Mt Sinai, 26. According to the Hebrew Bible, Haran was the place where Terah settled with his son Abraham (at that time called Abram), his grandson Lot, and Abram's wife Sarah (at that time known as Sarai) during their planned journey from Ur Kadim (Ur of the Chaldees) to the Land of Canaan. Terms | PDF NTH7>GNp]R0WIGJcFOb 2]0W Bi @[EXg B@fXQ58 * He of course left home to . According to Josh 15:13 it was so called after Arba, the father of Anak. <]>> 0000011875 00000 n The place is also called Mizpah (Hebrew for A watchtower) as Laban says, Let the LORD watch over us (Genesis 31:49). 1 Kings 19:3 When he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongs to Judah, and left his servant there. In Hebron, David reigned over Judah first for seven and a half years (2 Samuel 5:5). In the familiar phrase 'from Dan to Beersheba' (Jdg. Caleb drove out from Hebron the "three sons of Anak" (Josh 14:12; 15:14); it became one of the cities of Judah (Josh 15:54), but was set apart for the Kohathite Levites (Josh 21:10 f), and became a city of refuge (Josh 20:7). 2. Distance between Beersheba and Haran is 5340 KM / 3318.3 miles. Theophanies occurred there to Hagar (21:17), to Isaac (26:24), to Jacob (46:2), and to Elijah (1 Ki 19:5). 0000005293 00000 n It is mentioned among the "cities" given to the tribe of Simeon (Josh. uRj B2J/Gh Z+Y-j\aHit$LdSONF6U`t[UIjSzJ[UXSaZkY8DilLZ-v= It is nearly midway between the southern end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.Beersheba in Fausset's Bible Dictionary Beersheba means "well of the oath". The Meaning of the Name: The most probable meaning of Beersheba is the "well of seven." It lies along the Balkh River, 24 miles (38 km) southeast of Urfa. It is probable that the city of Old Testament times stood where Tell es Seba' now is, some 2 1/2 miles to the East; from the summit a commanding view can be obtained (PEF, III, 394, Sheet XXIV).E. 4. It is usually included in Zion, to the north-east of which it lay, and from which it was separated by the Tyropoean valley. For a time he stayed at Gerar" ( Genesis 20:1 ). W. G. Masterman. Ex 6:18; Nu 3:19; 1Ch 6:2,18; 23:12 He was the founder of a family of Hebronites, Nu 3:27; 26:58; 1Ch 26:23,30,31, or Bene-Hebron. Laban caught up with Jacob in the hill country of Gilead. %PDF-1.5 % Where is Paddan Aram located today? 759 0 obj <> endobj it denoted the southernmost place of the land. 7. 0000000016 00000 n 11:30). Genesis 12:9) - with all that he had, and came - from Hebron (Genesis 37:14) - to Beersheba, - where Abraham (Genesis 21:33) and Isaac (Genesis 26:25) had both sojourned for considerable periods, and erected altars to Jehovah - and offered sacrifices unto the God (the . Map Store - Download High-Res Maps and Images, 2023, Bible History | All rights reserved, Beersheba in the Bible Encyclopedia - ISBE, Mount Moriah in Easton's Bible Dictionary, Mount Moriah in Fausset's Bible Dictionary, Mount Moriah Scripture - 2 Chronicles 3:1. Near Hebron was the cave of Machpelah, where he and Sarah were buried. 2 Samuel 24:7 and came to the stronghold of Tyre, and to all the cities of the Hivites, and of the Canaanites; and they went out to the south of Judah, at Beersheba. It was a very long journey, and he was very tired. Gideon, himself, was born in the Vale of Jezreel at Ophrah usually identified as the modern-day city of Afula (see Judges 6:11 & 24). 759 52 0000038268 00000 n 1. 1 Chronicles 4:28 They lived at Beersheba, and Moladah, and Hazarshual. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and But Esau has long since forgiven Jacob and is delighted to see him. 8. The Divided Kingdom & Journey into Exile, Jezebel kills the prophets & Elijah escapes, Elijah organises the opposition to King Ahab, Jehu races to Jezreel to depose King Joram, King Joash repairs the Temple in Jerusalem, Jeroboam II restores the boundaries of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria invades Israel, Israel falls & the exiles are led to Assyria, King Hezekiah of Judah rebels against Assyria, Isaiah prophesies the destruction of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invades Judah, Jerusalem falls and the exile in Babylon begins, Biblical sources relating to Judah in exile, The later years of exile & the return to Judah, The completion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, A third group of exiles returns with Ezra, A fourth group of exiles returns with Nehemiah, Mordecai uncovers a plot to kill the king, The origin of the Jewish festival of Purim, 37. 1. - And Israel (as the head of the theocratic family) took his journey - literally, broke up, sc. 0000008044 00000 n From this place the patriarch departed for Egypt by way of Beersheba (37:14; 46:1). Today, many non-conformist Christian chapels in Britain are called Bethel to indicate that they are the House of God. In the cave of Machpelah all the patriarchs and their wives, except Rachel, were buried (49:30 f; 50:13). 0000007836 00000 n Free Digital Maps Set: 41 Bible Maps (the complete set) Free! how far did jacob travel to haran. Joshua 15:28 Hazar Shual, Beersheba, Biziothiah, Joshua 19:2 They had for their inheritance Beersheba (or Sheba), Moladah, It is supposed by some to be the tree under which Abraham pitched his tent, and is called "Abraham's oak." A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. In the division of the land it went to the tribe of Simeon (Jos. There are two accounts of the origin of the name. And his mother's name [was] Zibiah of Beersheba.Genesis 21:32 - Thus they made a covenant at Beersheba: then Abimelech rose up, and Phichol the chief captain of his host, and they returned into the land of the Philistines.2 Samuel 17:11 - Therefore I counsel that all Israel be generally gathered unto thee, from Dan even to Beersheba, as the sand that [is] by the sea for multitude; and that thou go to battle in thine own person.2 Samuel 24:15 - So the LORD sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning even to the time appointed: and there died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba seventy thousand men.2 Chronicles 19:4 - And Jehoshaphat dwelt at Jerusalem: and he went out again through the people from Beersheba to mount Ephraim, and brought them back unto the LORD God of their fathers.Judges 20:1 - Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, unto the LORD in Mizpeh.2 Samuel 3:10 - To translate the kingdom from the house of Saul, and to set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan even to Beersheba.2 Samuel 24:7 - And came to the strong hold of Tyre, and to all the cities of the Hivites, and of the Canaanites: and they went out to the south of Judah, [even] to Beersheba.1 Kings 4:25 - And Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the days of Solomon.Genesis 21:33 - And [Abraham] planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God.Genesis 46:1 - And Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac.1 Samuel 3:20 - And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel [was] established [to be] a prophet of the LORD.1 Kings 19:3 - And when he saw [that], he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which [belongeth] to Judah, and left his servant there.Genesis 21:31 - Wherefore he called that place Beersheba; because there they sware both of them.1 Samuel 8:2 - Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: [they were] judges in Beersheba.Genesis 26:33 - And he called it Shebah: therefore the name of the city [is] Beersheba unto this day.Joshua 19:2 - And they had in their inheritance Beersheba, or Sheba, and Moladah,1 Chronicles 4:28 - And they dwelt at Beersheba, and Moladah, and Hazarshual,Nehemiah 11:27 - And at Hazarshual, and at Beersheba, and [in] the villages thereof,Genesis 28:10 - And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
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